Monday, July 13, 2009

07.13.09 - Life is coming together

Okay, so I think we've established that I completely and utterly suck at keeping up with a blog. Well, even my journal hasn't been touched in 6+ months. I forgot about it until the other day when I was cleaning and found it in my laptop bag. Teehee.
Over the past few months a lot of good things have happened to Max & I; don't get me wrong there's been a few bad things but I'm not even going to touch those topics, why stir up what's already drifted away? The RamCharger should be up & legally running by tomorrow, which is just in time because Marizel, my step-mom, will have to have her car back because her current car, the Prius, will have expired plates. I ALSO won a contest for a $20 gift certificate to Dismantled Fashions which pleased the CRAP out of me because I never win contests! Then today I had a job offer working 10pm-7am (which is what I was wanting because Max & I will be working around the same time, thus seeing eachother) paying $1.50 more, way more than I thought; when the topic of a promotion came up I thought it would only be a 20 or 40 cent raise. I will continue being full time & I'll be the head overnight processor & will be training 2 other associates that will be hired in the next few weeks. It's going to be so nice having the same hours every day AND having the same days off!! Now all we have to do is save money for a new car & our own place! I can't wait!!!

The only negative experience that is on my mind is my dad. He went to the ER yesterday because he's had a pain in his abdomen that has been around for over 6 months; it was a problem before Max & I moved here. His doctor at the VA kept telling him it was nothing. All it was was his hernia & acid reflux, no biggie. Well when he went the to ER they discovered that his pain is from his Gall Bladder. The doctors are currently scheduling surgery for him to get it removed. He was given morphine at the hospital and when he came home he had codine & vicodine and still was in way too much pain. He still went to work today. I can't wait to see him better. It'll turn out well, I know. It's just waiting for it blows.

Well I will talk to you all in a few months, lol. It'll probably be in a few days or weeks. We'll see. If I had more comments or readers I'd probably update this thing more *nudge*